11Plus Explained
11 Plus Entrance Requirements
For you
Some schools insist on children taking entrance examinations - and are able to create their own papers to suit their individual requirements. These are in addition to the 11 Plus examinations set by the education department. An example is the very successful Newstead Wood School in Orpington, Kent. The school selects very able girls - and only uses Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning tests.
Other schools develop their own battery of tests. In Kent, for example, there are the Kent Tests with verbal and non verbal reasoning and mathematics. In Kent, for example, there are the Kent Tests with verbal and nonverbal reasoning, mathematics and written English. The Medway tests, however, also use mathematics, verbal reasoning and English. The English in the Medway tests counts towards the final score. This does not apply to English in the North West Kent tests. We explain more about the various tests later on.
For a list of 11 Plus schools in the UK and their entrance requirements click here
For your child
You may be expected to take more than one 11 Plus exam and some you may find easier than others. Try not to become too concerned about the tests, if you follow the advice you’ve been given and do your best you’ll be fine.