Saturday, July 07, 2007

Parents and the 11+.

I have just read Simon Heffer in The Daily Telegraph writing in his column `On Saturday’. He came up with the remarkable statistic that seven of the new cabinet have degrees in politics, philosophy and economics from Oxford.

This has immense ramifications for us in the eleven plus world. Parents will need to enrol in one or more of the newly formed eleven plus courses:

Politics and the Eleven Plus
Philosophy and the Eleven Plus
Economics and the Eleven Plus.

The politics course would need to include a wide variety of important topics like American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Politics and Political Theory. We need to put American Politics first as this is the usual prize offered by parents to their children for passing the Eleven Plus. (A week in Disney World.). We all know that political theory covers topics like liberty (How late can I stay up?), freedom and rights (“You said I could.”)

The philosophic side will be a cinch for most parents. As you know a philosophic theory is governed by a system of beliefs. “I believe you can do it” is not much use if the child has difficulty reading the question. “We all believe in you” is also a pointless statement if your child has never been helped through questions on Direct Proportion.

The Economics and the Eleven Plus course will also be an easy option for most parents. “If you complete this paper by 17.55 today I will give you £2.50. If you score over 87% I will add an extra £4.50.” For some children this economic inducement would be very attractive.

Parents would naturally need to sit examinations. The questions would be drawn from a bank. Here are two examples:

“With reference to the political situation in England today, discusses the future evolution of the Grammar School.

“Should parents be banned from bribing children for passing examinations? Discuss..


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