Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Solving Verbal Reasoning Problems.

There are a number of computer programs available that can play chess. Many of us who play chess will remember the battle between Deep Blue and Garry Kasparov back in 1966. The organizers of the project then upgraded Deep Blue by throwing more computers at the problem and Deep Blue went on beat the reigning world champion.

Deep Blue could work out around two hundred million positions per second.

Now scientists have developed a system to play draughts against humans. The program can beat or draw with any human. It took, we understand, the equivalent of 50 computers nearly 20 years to look through five hundred billion possible draughts positions.

We have heard an unconfirmed rumour, from our sources, that a new computer, the size of a child’s watch, is being developed that will be able to find any answer to any verbal reasoning question quicker any very bright mother or father!

The watch is being developed in Switzerland – but the soft ware come from England! What clever people we are!

There is a character recognition device that is able to read questions on examination and test papers. The answer is flashed onto the screen.

Parents will be able to trial the watch and software on all known eleven plus sources over the next few weeks. The first VR Watches (Mark 3) will come on sale in Britain in mid October – just before any eleven plus examinations are held.

So in years to come eleven plus invigilators will need to watch out for strange hand movements and the subsequent flashing screen.

In the event that all the children in the room have access to the £249.00 then the speed of working through the paper will be taken into account.

The first one hundred customers to email me will be given an eleven plus VR Watch subscription for life. The problem is the Mark 3 solution is still being trialed and may never come out.

So the quickest way of solving a really difficult eleven plus questions is still to use the time honoured system of child plus mum and dad as well as older brother or sister sitting together to try to solve the problem. Looking at the answers is naturally banned until all other possible solutions have been investigated.

If the family do solve the problem quickly there will be time for a quick games of chess or draughts – against the computer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you on drugs?

2:47 PM  

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