Friday, August 10, 2007

The Best Eleven Plus Tutor in the World.

I heard an apparently apocryphal story about a mother who devoted her life and every spare penny in the family budget in her quest to find the best possible eleven plus tutor. You see she wanted her child to pass the eleven plus examinations and go onto to grammar school.

The strain and tension became too much for her. She had asked her friends’ opinions, the teachers at school and even consulted her family doctor. She had looked at all the web sites and read all the pages of information. She had bought over £200.00 worth of eleven plus papers and worked through all the papers herself to make sure she knew how to answer all the questions. To cover the more advanced mathematical topics she had even found herself a GCSE tutor.

We can only praise and admire her for her preparation and effort.

One day it all got too much for her. She keeled over very quietly and as she lay there on the floor she called her children to her and told them to work hard and do their best.

When she arrived at the gates of Heaven she asked Saint Peter to tell her who was the best eleven plus tutor in the whole world.

Saint Peter pointed at a photograph in a familiar room. He said, “There is the teacher who you are seeking. There is the best teacher in the world for your children.”

The perplexed woman said, “But that is me! How can I be the best eleven plus tutor in the world? I am only a mother.”

Saint Peter said: “Yes, my dear, you are the chosen one. For your own children you really are the best eleven plus tutor in the world.”


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