Monday, April 21, 2008

Eleven Plus Bribes

What is a worthwhile bribe for doing well on an Eleven Plus paper?

Should parents opt for lots of little bribes that add up to the same value as one big bribe?

Do children need to be bribed at all?

I am not sure if Edmund Clerihew Bentley was talking about Eleven Plus bribes when he wrote:

When their lordships asked Bacon
How many bribes he had taken
He had at least the grace
To get very red in the face.

The problem with a bribe and its influence on the behaviour of a bright Eleven Plus child is that if you offer the bribe you have to deliver.

“If you tidy your room you can have the last ice cream.”

“If you reach 25% on this very hard paper we will go to the cinema.”

If you offer a bribe, and then renegade, then you will never ever be forgiven. This will haunt you for ever – even if it was something really small. But think of the consequences of offering a trip to Disney for a good examination result.

Does your child actually have the ability to carry out the task?

Is your child likely to become defeated if a successful outcome can’t be achieved?

If your child does hold a grudge for an `unfair bribe’ the think how he or she will explain to the whole world just how unfair the whole `deal’ was. Who would have the red face then?


Blogger Paul Wright said...

What's a Fair Bribe?

Taking his seat in his chambers, the judge faced the opposing lawyers.

"So," he said, "I have been presented, by both of you, with a bribe."

Both lawyers squirmed uncomfortably.

"You, attorney Mr. Smith, gave me £15,000. And you, attorney Mr. Jones, gave me £10,000."

The judge reached into his pocket and pulled out a cheque. He handed it to Mr. Smith.

... "Now then, I'm returning £5,000 to you Mr. Smith .... and then we can decide this case solely on its merits!"

Now that's what I call a fair bribe!

5:30 PM  

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