Saturday, November 08, 2008

An Eleven Plus Code Thr 6th

What does an Eleven Plus child demand from parents? Is there any room for an Eleven Plus Code? What could be in the code? Do parents also need a code – or just the children? Some suggestions:

When doing Eleven Plus work parents need to be approachable and friendly – but not friends.

Children must expect parents to be strict at times – but they can also demand fairness and consistency.

Children need to understand just what it is that they have done wrong and must be given the opportunity argue their case.

Children must understand that parents do have a right to be able operate sanctions.

Children must also realise that parents can alter their minds without it being seen as a sign of weakness.

Eleven Plus children must realise that they are responsible for their actions. They have to work within the confines of the family.

Children must be allowed to inform parents if a lesson or a session is boring and uninteresting.

No Eleven Plus child wants to be embarrassed by the bright younger sibling who knows the answer.

An Eleven Plus child is old enough to realise that they will work better for a smile than a frown.

Parents must realise that an Eleven Plus child may want to use humour to diffuse a tense situation. Equally the same child will probably react strongly against sarcasm.


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