Thursday, December 17, 2009

Market Research and the Eleven Plus

Some parents may feel that they need to do some additional market research before they become involved with their tutor. It is easier if parents have had one or more children through a designated tutor – because all concerned know what to expect. What happens if mum and dad don’t think that Child 3 and the much loved tutor for Child 1 and Child 2 will suit? The market research is part of the overall eleven plus plan.

There are two sides to any market research activity. The first is the collection of the information – and then the information has to be analysed.

How Well Known Is Your Tutor?

Your tutor may be a best kept secret to key families. You may have worked with a teacher from the school your children attend. You also may have found the tutor on line or in the small adverts of your local newspaper. If you are going to take up references you may find that your tutor is not all that well known in your local vicinity.

How far will You Travel?

You may prefer to have the tutor call at your home. You can feel that you control and can manage the tuition session. You also may prefer to have your child tutored on a one to one basis at some outside location. There will be some families who prefer the child to be tutored in a group. You may have to travel for this.

What do other parents think?

Listening to little chats and opinions from other parents can be immensely rewarding. It is likely that you will hear more than a laconic: “Well, he (or she) is O.K.” Dig for detail. Are the lessons on time? Is your child greeted on arrival?

Does your teacher portray a professional image?

This may or may not be important. Some people always see the good in others. You possibly want your child to work in an organised environment. Other parents may not really mind. Your understanding of the words `professional image’ may not, however, be the same as that of some one else.

Will the teacher identify your child’s needs?

It is likely that you and your child will different expectations of eleven plus work and the eleven plus teacher. Will your child relish challenging and demanding work? Do you feel your child needs a careful diagnosis before any work is started? Can you can rely on the professional expertise of the teacher to work out what needs to be done – and then engage profitably with your child?

How will you analyse your results?

What are the strongest points?

Where are the weaknesses?

Will this tutor really suit my child?

What makes this tutor distinctive?

Will my child pass the eleven plus?

Have I done the right thing?

What should I do?


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